Austin’s Summer Music Jam is a FREE program to encourage students to keep practicing so they maintain, if not improve, their skills going into the next school year. The program is open to anyone and split into four levels:
Beginner: A student who has been playing for 1-2 years, is performing in first position and is able to perform a one-octave scale.
Practice goal: Average 15 minutes per day
Intermediate: A student who has been playing for 3-4 years, is performing in third and fifth position and is able to play a two-octave scale.
Practice goal: Average 30 minutes per day
Advanced: A student who has been playing for five years or more, is performing in all the positions and is able to play a three-octave scale.
Practice goal:Average 45 minutes per day
Teacher Division: Our Teacher Division gives teachers a chance to practice right alongside their students and help motivate them over the summer. One lucky winner will receive a $100 Gift Certificate for their school/studio!
Practice goal: Average of 45 minutes per day
The practice minutes are an average for the month (the 3rd through the 2nd), so even if you are going on vacation, you can still participate! Musicians who meet their practice goal, as outlined above, will be entered to win the Grand Prize drawing! Three winners will be selected to receive an Austin’s Violin Shop Gift Certificate that can be used toward any merchandise, luthier services, even monthly rental fees!
2nd Prize
$75 Gift Certificate to
Austin’s Violin Shop
1st Prize
$100 Gift Certificate to
Austin’s Violin Shop
3rd Prize
$50 Gift Certificate to
Austin’s Violin Shop
1st Prize
$100 Gift Certificate to
Austin’s Violin Shop
2nd Prize
$75 Gift Certificate to
Austin’s Violin Shop
3rd Prize
$50 Gift Certificate to
Austin’s Violin Shop
In addition to a chance to win the Grand Prize, students can earn rewards for reaching their practice goal each month. They can also win exciting prizes by participating in bonus challenges to be announced throughout the competition. These items include everything from stickers to chocolate violins, Everest colored shoulder rests to Glasser colored bows!
Just for signing up, all participants will receive a 30% discount on one music book each month and 10% off all additional books for the duration of Austin’s Summer Music Jam. That way they will have lots of music to keep them engaged and practicing!
This year, we have partnered with the DuPage Symphony Orchestra to present a Master Class for Intermediate and Advanced level players. More details to come! Musicians will prepare a solo piece or etude to perform. This is a great opportunity for players to receive feedback from experienced professionals! Sign up for the Summer Music Jam to learn more details!
Schedule your appointment today to upgrade your instrument during our Spring Special!